Herschel, a lovely shepherdess, is here. She was chained for five years. She was biting the chain and grinding her teeth the whole time. She was rescued by a family after arriving at an animal shelter.
Unfortunately, the family’s decision was soon reversed, and the dog was returned to the shelter. For a while, it seemed that Herschel would spend the remainder of her life at the shelter. That’s when Rocky Kanak came to the rescue.
Rocky Kanak is the host of the television show “Dog Day,” in which he takes the dogs to make them happy during their outings. Kanak made the decision to take Herschel on such a journey.
During this time, the dog tried a variety of treats for the first time in his life, and finally found his way to the family, who welcomed Herschel with open arms. The most beautiful part of the journey, however, was when Herschel saw the sea for the first time and was overjoyed.