Dog Inspiration

Scared Rescue Dog Kept Trying To Bite Foster Mom, But The Woman Never Gave Up

When Heather the tiny dog was first taken to a shelter, she was terrified to death. Her eyes were red, and she had a sad, heartbroken expression on her face. When someone approached her, though, she let out shrill cries and attempted to bite them. According to ilovemydogsomuch, Heather was a fucked up abuse case who desperately tried to defend herself from “monstrous” humans.

The shelter contacted Niko, a volunteer, and asked her to foster the overly sensitive dog with a high bite risk. Niko decided right away and drove Heather home. She was at a loss for what to do when the traumatized dog flatly refused to leave her crate.

Heather tied to bite Niko several times, terrified, but the woman refused to give up on her. Instead, she began petting her and offering her a treat as she coaxed her out of the crate. Heather, on the other hand, fled to the farthest corner of the crate, cowering in terror.

Niko was eventually able to coax Heather out of the crate after a series of unsuccessful attempts. She then used a paper towel roll as a shield to secure the dog in a harness. Heather finally understood the fuzzy feeling of being healthy and shielded by a person on her first walk into the neighborhood!

Heather’s violent aversion to humans gradually died away over the next few months. She astounded everyone by transforming into a little cuddlebug with a caring and loyal spirit. When an amazing family stepped forward to adopt this precious child, it was a huge victory for Niko!

Heather shone in her new home like a ray of sunshine! Despite the fact that she had turned a new leaf, she still preferred the protection of her metal crate to the comfort of her doggie bed. Her new parents purchased her a doggie bed with a dome on top to reassure her, and that was more than enough to make her feel safe once more!

She is now living her best life, totally free of the problems that plagued her in the past!
To see how Heather’s suffering was forever banished by a caring group of people, watch the video below.