At shelters, dogs can experience a wide range of emotions, and there’s no doubt this small pup was overjoyed to be secure.
Layla, a 7-week-old puppy, was found alone running across traffic and was scooped up by Beaumont Animal Care in Texas in March 2019. She was fragile and scared at first, but she stunned the staff soon after arriving at the shelter. When Tech Rachel Barron entered her kennel and started talking to the small dog, she flashed a brilliant grin.
“She truly loved it when I started speaking in a baby talk kind of voice,” Barron told The Dodo. “[She] started wiggling her tail, and suddenly the famous smile appeared. That’s when I took out my phone and started filming it. It was just too adorable not to share.”
It was as if Layla sensed she was in good hands, according to Barron, and the small dog’s lovely expression grabbed hearts all over the world.
After Barron released the video, adoption queries began to flood in, and happily, the ideal local family came in to see Layla after seeing her gorgeous smiling face online.
Nicole Toney and her husband, who already have three rescue dogs and two cats, felt Layla would be a perfect fit for their family right immediately.
They were completely correct.
Toney told The Dodo, “She was bashful at first, but you could tell she was really nice and happy.”
Little Layla warmed up to the Toneys quickly, and they were given permission to take her home soon after. Layla immediately began playing and running about with the other dogs, as if she had been destined to be there all along.
“Lady wanted to be close Layla right away,” Toney said. “Lady was a mother who had recently given birth when she was rescued, therefore she was drawn to Layla.”
Layla appears to be drawn to the other animals as well, which is likely due to her lack of companionship when living on the street alone.
She’s already making the most of every opportunity to cuddle with her new family members.
Toney stated, “She’s actually settling in so nicely.” “She’ll fall asleep cuddling very next to my husband’s face. She’s a darling, and we’ve noticed she smiles even while she’s sleeping.
To help more dogs like Layla, you can make a donation to Beaumont Animal Care.