Dog Inspiration

Adopting Tiny Stray Puppy Who Was Raised By Cats at Cat’s Colony

Every day, a lady feeds food to the cats who live in this part of the city park. Although there are about a hundred cats, not all of them are feral. Some are left alone because their owners are confident that someone will come to feed them. The lady who feeds the kitties is a member of the Love Furry Friends Rescue Team’s staff.

The Rescue team is unable to transport the cats to the shelter because there are too many of them and they reproduce too quickly. In addition, the rescuers make every effort to sterilize as many cats as possible. Park visitors occasionally notice the cats and provide them with food. If they’re lucky, they’ll be adopted by animal lovers.

When the rescuer’s footsteps were heard, cats of all sizes bolted out the door. That day, it wasn’t simply cats who greeted them; a small dog sprung from a wooden box. He was attempting to figure out how to approach the food tray. Because he was so little, he struggled to clamber over the dry branches that were obstructing the ground. Finally, he was able to get some decent food.

To check on his condition, the rescuer attempted to pull him up. She looked everywhere, including the wooden box where he first appeared, but there was no evidence of his mother or other dogs. He seems to have been abandoned here. He could only put his head into the food since he was so hungry.

The youngster was rushed to the vet clinic for a general health examination. The dog was incredibly obedient and exhibited no fear of people. He was known as Zhorik, which means “pleasant companion.” Zhorik was thoroughly inspected at the clinic to ensure that parasites did not attach themselves to his body.

In addition, he was vaccinated against the diseases. The boy weighs less than 1kilogram but is very lively and loves to play around.

Zhorik immediately adjusted to his new surroundings. Bathing was his favorite pastime. He was very comfortable and, unlike other dogs, was not afraid of water. He had his own mini carton house, his favorite toy, and made friends with other dogs while he was there.

Soon, an animal-loving family agreed to bring Zhorik home with them. And Zhorik finally has a new family who will treat him well with love and caring.

Animal rescue allows animals to live in loving homes. Above all, we hope that the animal abandoned by cold-hearted people will no longer exist.

Watch the following video to learn more about Zhorik’s story: