German shepherds are devoted companions who create close ties with their owners. Nothing makes them happier than being by their owner’s side. As herding dogs, they’re always on the lookout for the people they care about.
Herders have a natural instinct to lead their herd. This trait includes controlling the movement of other animals and people, which is why they often enjoy leading the way when out on walks with their owners. A completely natural behavior of a German Shepherd is to observe and lead.
Which is why when this adorable German shepherd is out on a walk with his owner, he is a little out front, ambling down the sidewalk, totally enjoying their walk…not a care in the world…until…
Suddenly he stops and looks back over his shoulder expecting to see his owner there, and wait…what? His human is not there….The pup is clearly surprised.
The stunned pup takes another see back and forward to affirm that reality that his proprietor is lost at that point rapidly starts to follow his steps looking more than stressed approximately his sudden alter in situation.
When he stops and looks back toward the way he came a couple of times, it’s a small terrible to observe. The destitute doggo is clearly stressed and doesn’t appear to know what to do so he proceeds to follow his steps the way he came.
Just when we couldn’t stand it, he found his master hiding behind a tree and took a picture of the whole process. Of course the puppy was very happy, he started wagging his tail and his sad little ears stood up. His owner laughs, but we imagine the puppy thinking, “This is not so funny man … don’t prank me!”
Please share this sweet German shepherd video with your family and friends.