Dog Inspiration

This Pit Bull Was Rescued From Dog Fighting Ring, Now He’s A K-9 Officer

A Pit Bull who was formerly employed in a dogfighting ring has been welcomed into the North Carolina police enforcement community.

Facebook/Craven County Sheriff’s Office

Nibbles, as he’s now known, is now a member of the Craven County Sheriff’s Office. The Throw Away Dogs Project rescued Nibbles from a dog fighting ring in Canada in 2015. The Throw Away Dogs Project is a non-profit dedicated to rehabilitating dogs and training them to be narcotics detection K-9s for law enforcement agencies.

Nibbles’ new handler is Deputy McCaw, and Deputy Nibbles was sworn in as a member of the Sheriff’s Office on Thursday after passing rigorous testing and proving to be well-trained and capable of reliably identifying narcotics to assist the community.

“Please join us in congratulating K9 Nibbles on joining the Craven County Sheriff’s Office. K9 Nibbles and Corporal W. McCaw will be joining the K9 division in the Sheriff’s Office’s ongoing fight against narcotics trafficking and sales in Craven County,” the Sheriff’s Office announced.

Deputy Nibbles, best of luck! You have everyone’s support!

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