Dog Inspiration

Meet Oreo Cloud, The Cute Puppy Looks Like An Oreo Mclurry Fluff

Meet Oreo Cloud, The Cute Puppy Looks Like An Oreo Mclurry Fluff

The internet recently burst after a photo of a cute puppy with a unique coat went viral. People can’t get enough of his adorableness, so they’re sharing and tagging their friends to meet him.

His real name is Chief but everyone loves to call him Oreo cloud because he looks like an Oreo Mclurry fluff.

“Chief is the name of our little Oreo cloud! Chief’s mom, Sara Hamilton, told Bored Panda, “Oreo cloud is our favorite nickname for him because he looks like an Oreo Mclurry fluff.”

Sara stated, “We named him Chief since he will grow to reach around 85 pounds and he is most obviously a leader, not a follower.” “He was entirely potty-trained when he arrived at 8 weeks old and is very well-behaved; he picks things up quickly!”

Despite his size, he is a really easygoing, friendly, sweet, and intelligent creature. “Aside from his adorable markings, the first thing we noticed about him is that he loves to cuddle and will nap on you. Out of everyone in the house, he has the loudest snore.”

Chief, according to Sara, is on his way to becoming a therapy dog that will assist individuals in need and bring a smile to their faces. We are confident that he will make an excellent therapy dog due to his sweetness and cuteness.

Sara explained, “I have a past volunteering with sick children in hospitals, so I felt he would be the most incredible therapy dog that would help offer a little joy to people in their darkest moments.”

The influence of Oreo cloud has caused a huge outpour of Oreo-lookin’ dog pictures to be shared on social media. Needless to say, they’re all awesome and cute.

If you love Chief, you can follow him on Instagram page to see more his cute pics.