Dog Inspiration

Dog Makes Woman Sit In Back Of Car Then Holds Hands With Her Husband

The wife was forced to sit in the back of the car by a naughty puppy who wanted to sit in front of her human parents’ car. She seemed to be trying to portray that they were in a heated battle for their man’s love!

The golden dog Lucy was overjoyed to climb into the front seat next to Carissa’s husband, Jacob, in this humorous video. Lucy beamed from ear to ear as she snatched Carissa’s husband’s hand with one cunning paw. She flashed Carissa a triumphant look after reaching his hand! Carissa burst out laughing because the possessive little madam’s look was too much for her.

Her story rapidly went viral, with the initial uploaded video receiving nearly 100,000 views. What are your thoughts on this mischievous dog? Please TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY ABOUT THIS STORY!

The wife was forced to sit in the back of the car by a naughty puppy who wanted to sit in front of her human parents’ car.

She seemed to be trying to portray that they were in a heated battle for their man’s love!

Lucy beamed from ear to ear as she snatched Carissa’s husband’s hand with one cunning paw. She flashed Carissa a triumphant look after reaching his hand!

The possessive little madam’s expression was too much that Carissa burst out laughing.
