Dog Inspiration

Scared Rescue Dog Wakes Up New Mom In Middle Of The Night To Say Thank You

This story is for you if you’re considering about getting a rescue dog but need a bit more convincing. The most fulfilling feeling is being able to make such a significant difference in an animal’s life, and a little truly does go a long way if you decide to rehome an animal. It doesn’t take much to make a difference in their life.

Niya, a rescue dog, was one of the worst instances seen at Trenton, Tennessee’s Gibson County Animal Shelter. She had clearly been violently beaten in the past, and she was so terrified in her kennel that she had completely shut down.

When Kimberley Slown went to visit her, she just knew that she had to take her home with her.

Kimberly’s group, Arrow Dog Rescue, has saved hundreds of dogs, but none have been as devastated as Niya. She had a cut above her eye, indicating that she had been struck with a tool, and the incision on her nose resembled what happens when a can is used instead of a muzzle.

Worst of all, Niya’s mental state had been harmed as a result of the maltreatment. When Kimberly went to take her up, the adorable puppy was so terrified that she stood plastered against the back wall of her kennel, tail between her legs.

Niya, all 47 pounds of her, had to be carried into the car by Kimberly.

Niya was fatigued when she arrived at her new home. She discovered a safe area of the home and slept there for two nights and a day.

However, on the second night, Niya’s mind began to shift. She stepped over to smell it warily while her owner’s arm dangled from the side of the bed.

Kimberly was overtaken with emotion as she awoke to the sensation of warm breath on her hand, realizing that the scared little puppy was finally gaining confidence.

“She just breathed into my palm, and I awoke, touching and talking to her right away.” “She leaned in with a smile.”

Niya eventually went back to bed, but then not much longer, Kimberly awoke to the same thing.

“A couple of hours later, the same thing,” Kimberly recalled. “It was overwhelming. I was crying.”

Niya seemed to be thanking her for bringing her home from the shelter. Day by day, the fearful little dog’s confidence is regaining, and Kimberly is overjoyed to witness it.
Kimberly was pleased the first time she smiled – on the way home from the vets. Soon after, she was put into her first proper bed, and then – best of all – the first time her tail wagged.

Thanks to Kimberly, Niya is growing confidence that wouldn’t have been possible if she’d have stayed in the shelter.

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