Dog Inspiration

Dog Finds Her ‘Twin’ While Out On Walk And Begs Mom To Bring Him Home

Dog Finds Her ‘Twin’ While Out On Walk And Begs Mom To Bring Him Home – News

Life has a mysterious way of working. Every day, many things happen to us that may lead to something better without our knowledge. A casual stroll through the park, a bashful smile to a stranger, or a simple hello can all leave an impression on us. These seemingly insignificant things are the result of fate.
When we meet new people in our lives, the same thing happens. There’s a reason for everything. It’s either a blessing or a lesson, depending on how you look at it. In Bethany’s instance, she met her new puppy, which she considers to be a true blessing. Bethany and her dog Rogue were having a typical day. Rogue’s mother decided to go on a walk with her. They had no idea that would be the lucky day they would meet the newest member of their growing family.

While walking her dog one day, Bethany noticed an adoption event taking place nearby. That’s when they came across Beast. Beast and Rogue resemble each other like two peas in a pod. Rogue, too, must have recognized the likeness, for she approached Beast with devotion and real interest in her eyes. She examined Beast as if she were examining herself in the mirror. They look so similar that if you sit next to them, you won’t be able to tell who is who.

Bethany and her boyfriend had just discussed getting a new puppy. They weren’t actively looking at the time, though. That’s why Bethany was only planning on attending the adoption celebration as a spectator.

Rogue, on the other hand, isn’t having it. At first glimpse, she might have sensed a deep connection with Beast. Whether it was purely coincidental or not, it is undeniably a divine sign. Beast is supposed to be a sibling to Rogue and a member of their family.

“What drew me to Beast over the other dogs was the fact that he resembled Rogue. Rogue’s mother was a Labrador and Pitbull mix, and her father was a Cairn, and with Beast, we’re simply not sure, it just has Cairn mix.”
It’s no surprise that Rogue felt a deep connection to Beast right away. They were half-brothers and half-sisters from two separate moms. Initially, the two fought over who would be the pack’s leader, with Beast exerting more power over Rogue.
After a few weeks, they came to a compromise and met in the middle. Together with their parents, they are presently enjoying the island life in Hawaii. Rogue and Beast spend a lot of time on the beach, chasing each other to see who is the fastest, and exploring the world with their tails entwined. Like true twins, they do practically everything together.  These two doggos can’t be separated anymore.

Source: Instagram/Rogue and Beast

Bethany is a foster mother. She is a strong supporter of the “Adopt Don’t Shop” initiative.

The campaign slogan “Adopt Don’t Shop” encourages people to adopt dogs from shelters or rescue them from the streets rather than buying them from dog breeders or pet stores. This movement also applies to cats.

The growing number of incidences of animal euthanasia around the world has sparked interest in this subject. This is to reduce the number of pets in shelters and make room for the new animals who are saved every day. When someone adopts a dog or a cat, they are not only saving that animal’s life, but also making room for another animal’s life to be saved.