Some puppies, particularly rottweilers, make excellent guard dogs. Jakey, a 6-year-old girl, utilizes her abilities to defend something strange.
When most guard dogs are trained to keep an eye on the house, Jakey prefers to keep an eye on her family’s bread while they are out. Jakey’s mother, Katrina Frank, told The Dodo, “She started this four years ago when we moved to our property.” “She would hide the bread every time we left.”
For as long as her owners can remember, Jakey has been guarding her family’s bread. She has a great sense of smell for it. Jakey sniffs out the loaf the moment her mother walks out the door and will stop at nothing to ensure that the family’s prized bread is secure.
“We have a bread box,” Katrina explained, “and she likes to hop up and pull it out.” “She nudges the door open and gets it out if I keep it in the pantry instead.” I’ve put it in the fridge before, and she’s opened the door to retrieve it.”
“I’m guessing she thinks it’s the most significant object in our house because we use it so much.” I can put the bread on the counter, in the breadbox, in the pantry, or in the fridge, and she will find it and guard it whenever we leave.”
In all of Jakey’s years of guarding the bread, she has never taken a nibble. She also ensures that none of the other animals in the home do.
“She likes to hide it behind the couch and sleep on it.” Otherwise, [she] stashes it in my bedroom closet,” Katrina explained. “Because we use it so frequently, I guess she thinks it’s the most essential thing to us.”
Jakey always brings Katrina straight to the bread as soon as she returns, with a guilty expression on her face. The bread, on the other hand, will never be missing for long.
Jakey doesn’t just protect bread; if the family runs out, she protects other similar items: “If I’m out of bread, she moves on to baked products,” Katrina explained. “She once got a Tupperware of cookies off the counter and hid all 17 of them individually without breaking a single one.” She took me to every single one of them.”
If the family are out of baked goods, Jakey moves on to guarding the butter.
At least Katrina can be sure, her food is safe when Jakey is around.