The video below depicts an unfortunate puppy who became caught in freezing water. The ice shattered when the firefighter arrived! In fact, I am really thankful that I do not live in a climate where the water freezes every year. For over an hour, the dog was caught in an ice river. Lola, a nine-year-old black Labrador, was caught in frozen water when rescuers arrived on the Sheyenne River in Fargo, North Dakota.
After realizing Laura wouldn’t be able to flee, a local boat club along the river alerted authorities. The inspector named Miller was able to be roped in and pulled back into the frozen river by the West Fargo Regional Fire Department. He slid across the ice river and made his way towards Lola, wanting to get close to the sweet, fearful puppy.
The inspector explained, “I was travelling slowly but carefully, unaware that the water had frozen due to the recent minus 6 degrees Celsius.” Because he was used to swimming in rivers and seas, his handler told us he left the dog to swim a little. I made sure I was securely linked to the rope before beginning to move on the ice. I heard Lola whining as I arrived and urged him to calm the fearful dog. I was able to grab his neck and assist Lola in getting on the ice. He wasn’t moving, therefore he must have been frozen. The firefighter then yanked on my rope and dragged me back to the shore, where I was able to inspect Lola. He was a little cold and had a minor cut on his leg, but he was otherwise good.
The owner would not have been able to save Lola without that assistance. They were fantastic at devising an emergency rescue plan, and it paid off when they were able to save Lola! Watch the video to see how nervous the inspector was when he approached him when the ice shattered! Following the event, firemen advised dog owners to keep their pets away from potentially dangerous frozen ponds, lakes, and rivers, as well as to keep their feet out of the snow. Never chase your dog if it’s running on ice. Instead, seek assistance from the rescue crew.