Dog Inspiration

German Shepherd Hilariously Confused By Talking Husky

German Shepherd Hilariously Confused By Talking Husky

Some dog breeds talk more than others, and the Husky is one of those dogs that enjoys hearing themselves and each other converse.

So, what happens when you put a talking Husky in front of a German Shepherd? Then the hilarity begins! Noushka, a Lebanon rescue, is befuddled by Mishka, the talking Husky!

Noushka is snoozing soundly until she hears her mother watching one of Mishka’s viral YouTube videos. Noushka rushes to attention in a matter of seconds, puzzled as to how her mother managed to cram another dog into that tiny computer screen! You can see her bewilderment on her face as she attempts to figure out if Mishka is a new friend with whom she may play.

When you see this video, you’ll know why we love it so much! Let us know what you think in the comments below!