Dr. Deborah Wilson of Circle L. Ranch Animal Rescue & Sanctuary knew she had to save a dog and her two puppies when they arrived at the Pinal County shelter with their two puppies and were put on the death list.
When the animal rescue received an email alerting them to a man threatening to drown 9 Pit Bull puppies if they were not picked up that day, the shepherd mother was busy nursing.
Deborah and the rescue community came together at that point. Deborah had an idea for how Circle L. Ranch could aid the puppies, and she enlisted the support of her shepherd mother.
While four babies were adopted by another rescue organization, the ranch took in five puppies. They estimated the puppies to be 3 or 4 weeks old. They took their new rescues to her to see how she would react after seeing how successfully the mama dog was nursing her two puppies.
“We gave the runt to mom, and she smelled and licked him before placing him on her nipples, where he immediately began feasting.” She appeared to be content with it. So we brought in the others one by one, and she accepted [sic] them all,” Deborah posted on Facebook.
“She is the best mom. Even though the new five are older, they are smaller than her two.” The mother is now nursing her two babies plus her newly adopted charges with no complaints.
“These precious puppies were not drowned thanks to the goodwill of rescuers and social media,” Deborah wrote, relieved. “All of our young charges will be fed, cared for, spayed and neutered, and eventually adopted out at the ranch,” she stated.
It’s really inspiring to learn about how Deborah and other wonderful people in the rescue community are working relentlessly to aid animals like these puppies and their exceptional mother.
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