Pit Bull puppies were being marketed as combat dogs after being born into an unfair circumstance. The siblings who should have been placed in loving homes were instead faced with a life of abuse. Thankfully, a local rescue organization heard about their owner and stepped in to help, writes ilovemydogsomuch.
The rescue group seized the entire litter with the help of the authorities and shared the news on social media.
Tawny, a young woman, saw the puppies’ images and immediately fell in love with Keiko. She wanted to adopt Keiko and his brother Niko together, but their municipality had a severe rule that only allowed three dogs per family. Tawny already owned two dogs. She contacted the rescue, and Keiko was welcomed into his new home in just a few days.
Although Keiko was a wonderful puppy, Tawny couldn’t help but feel that something was lacking. Despite this, she was able to get Keiko established in, and he got along swimmingly with her other dogs. Unfortunately, their oldest puppy, who had had a long and happy life, died. They were all heartbroken. Tawny was scrolling through her phone when she came across a snapshot of Niko with an urgent message, as if fate had interfered. Niko was mistreated by the family who had adopted him. The rescuers begged them to return Niko, which they did. He was in desperate need of a new place to call home.
Tawny jumped to the rescue right away. They knew Niko belonged with them now that they were a two-dog family. The rescue was in agreement. The next day, they picked up Niko and brought him home. The poor dog had been through a lot in his short life. He was sweet, but he was also incredibly shy. “If we tried to step over him, he’d flinch,” Tawny says in the video. He peed himself if we tried to put a leash on him.” Niko was desperate to feel safe and loved.
Keiko recognized Niko as his brother the instant he met him for the first time in their new home together. He recalled him, and Niko was in desperate need of that unique connection. Keiko became his best friend and protector, never abandoning him.
Niko’s first night at his new house was a little frightening. His adoptive parents placed him in his new kennel with new blankets and attempted to comfort him as much as they could. Keiko, on the other hand, was well aware of the situation. He was well aware that Niko required his assistance in falling asleep. So Keiko crept into his kennel and snuggled up next to him, and the two of them fell asleep together.
This story is simply beautiful and continues in the video below. You have to see what happens next! Poor Niko was so traumatized and continued to fight through his emotions– but amazingly, his brother knew exactly what to do in order to change his life for the better. ALL THE FEELS!