Ilovemydogsomuch writes that when this poor baby was ultimately saved, he was so sickly that he hardly resembled a dog.
To say he was frail would be an understatement. Standing up was difficult for him because he was emaciated and anemic. He was fatigued to the point of being unable to keep his eyes open. It would be a fight to save this dog’s life, but his rescuers were not giving up.
The veterinarians administered blood transfusions and IV nourishment to the dog. His body was deficient in critical nutrients including iron. His savior was aware that his health was not stable, so he stayed by his side just in case.
With no body fat, he struggled to stay warm, so his carer wrapped him in a thick coat. He was happy and finally getting well. It’s amazing what a little love and affection can do for a dog who has always been alone.
His condition began to improve as time passed. It’ll take time, but every step forward is a step in the right direction! He now has the energy to go for a walk and look around. He also makes new buddies. His new foster home is perfect for him!
In a month, his fur started to grow in. He’s starting to look like a healthy puppy. He even plays and wags his tail. But the best part is that he is so happy! His rescuer decided to adopt him and give him all the love he’ll ever need.
The puppy accepts a plush bear as his own and gladly carries it around while wagging his gorgeous tail. His growth astounds everyone who comes to see him. In just four weeks, he went from a living skeleton to a joyful, healthy puppy!
Good medical care is essential but it’s never an easy thing to come by, especially for strays in impoverished areas. We are so grateful that this puppy was saved in time and continues to thrive with his new family.