Dog Inspiration

No One Wanted A Dying, 16-Year-Old Shelter Dog And Then A Family Took A Chance

No One Wanted A Dying, 16-Year-Old Shelter Dog And Then A Family Took A Chance

When a 16-year-old German shepherd mix named Bear was rescued from a shelter and brought in by an experienced foster parent, he was suffering from dermatitis. He gradually regained his healthy style and spotlight after changing his name to Norman. Norman’s new mother stated, “Norman is practically deaf, so he didn’t really know that I changed his name.”

“They [the shelter] know my weakness is that the elderly dogs,” she writes about fostering pets from a shelter in North Houston. Giving these abandoned folks a soft place to sleep, food, and TLC is the little thing I can do. TLC. In turn, they give me a new sense of appreciation and purpose in life.”

Norman Bear’s transformation was captured on camera from his time at the shelter until he recovered.

“Fostering for a shelter is really difficult,” she continues, “but I try to focus on the good and know that I’m doing everything I can.” “Norman has taught me a lot,” she says in the instance of Norman. I wish that everyone can feel the affection of a senior dog.” “I love my Norman/Bear,” she told DogHeirs.

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