Dog Inspiration

Pit Bull Tucked Herself Near Someone’s Porch Hoping To Get A Meal, Met Them Instead

Pit Bull Tucked Herself Near Someone’s Porch Hoping To Get A Meal, Met Them Instead

This is the story of Lakita, a pit bull that has spent the majority of her life in misery. A woman discovered her near her porch and summoned help.

When the rescuers spotted her, she was withdrawn and emaciated, and they were absolutely taken aback. One of the rescuers, Tracy, and her team, were able to convince Lakita that they intended to help her. She also realized that someone was genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Tracy intended to take her to animal control for a medical examination, but she was unable to do so. So she took her home for a week, and Lakita transformed dramatically.

She gained weight quickly by eating little meals frequently throughout the day. Her fur began to shine, and she wanted to play; in fact, she felt happy and secure.

The next step was to find Lakita a permanent home, so they took adorable Christmas photos of her and uploaded them online. The photographs went viral, and Ashtyn and Sebastian, a lovely couple with three children, adopted her. With her new owners, she will thankfully never experience any discomfort.

Watch the video below.

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