Following a report about a stray puppy in a deserted village, Hope For Paws dispatched a rescue team. When Eldad and Loreta would show up carrying treats, the husky would not show any interest. He stayed close to the rails of a moving train since he didn’t trust people. They considered going to get a cheeseburger and retrying.
Rescuers would attempt to lure the blue-eyed dog over for several more hours, but he just wouldn’t budge. Therefore, they would have to go after him and capture him. They surrounded him with a net and forced him into a corner. They managed to capture him using the soft snare at last! They had no intention of allowing him to spend another tense night in this place.
After spending so much time on the filthy streets, they gave him the name Prince and returned home for the required medical attention and spa treatments. It wouldn’t take long for the Husky to find the ideal forever home; he would only need to go through some training. What a feat!