Dog Inspiration

30 dogs abandoned during the flood were saved by a father and son.

Despite the fact that residents of Brazoria, Texas, received flood warnings, many family dogs were abandoned amid the commotion.
But a Redittor named DUSTYHAM’s father and younger brother took a chance to save them. The two animal lovers, each with a watercraft, saved roughly 40 trapped dogs.

According to DUSTYHAM, “This was predicted a week or two in advance, some scenarios I can comprehend.” That one, please. We can’t either, but it’s also possible that the owners were gone and were unable to return for their dogs.

Whatever the cause, the miserable puppies were saved. They all went to a transitional shelter set up by the neighborhood humane group, according to DUSTYHAM. The dogs will receive care up until the time when their owners pick them up or until they are adopted. Please think about making a gift here if you would like to assist the shelter in caring for these dogs.

Before Memorial Day weekend 2016, destructive flash flooding devastated portions of central and southeast Texas. This was just the most recent in a spate of more than a dozen flood events that have hit areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri since March 2015.

The most recent event washed out roads and bridges, thanks to up to 19 inches of rain in a swath from just southeast of Austin, Texas, to the far northern suburbs of Houston on May 26-27, 2016.