Dog Inspiration

A tiny Chihuahua prevents a stroke in a retired Navy veteran.

Animals are more than simply our friends; on numerous occasions, they have even been able to save the lives of their owners.
Animals have repeatedly shown us how deeply they care for their owners, from dogs and cats that have the ability to detect when their people are in danger of becoming ill to pets who know just what to do if their owners pass out.

On August 21, 2020, a similar incident occurred when an elderly guy was on his houseboat and suffered a stroke. He was fortunately accompanied by his chihuahua, Bubu, who knew just what to do. Despite being unable to communicate verbally, the shrewd dog rushed straight to the mainland to alert a staff member there. Bubu used a cunning little trick to let staff members know that her owner needed assistance.

Bubu saved her owner’s life by ensuring that he was sent to the hospital right away. Make sure you have Kleenex handy because the couple had a touching reunion that was captured in some tear-jerking photos.

Rudy Armstrong and his dog Bubu were on their houseboat in August 2020 when Rudy Armstrong’s foot passed out. The former Navy veteran took a moment to sit down before passing out momentarily. He had no feeling in one of his arms when he awoke, and he immediately sensed that something was amiss. The man turned to Rudy’s tiny dog, who was already by his side, and pleaded for assistance.

“I require aid. Obtain Kim. Rudy informed Bubu. The chihuahua mix was also aware of what to do.

Rudy appeared to have been clearly heard by the dog. She raced off the boat in an instant and ran to the marina, where she saw Kim, the dockmaster.
According to Brandy Popp, public relations manager at CarolinaEast Health System, “she came straight up to her and instead of her usual greeting of barking, jumping, and licking her, she stopped right in front of her and laid over on her side.”

Soon after beginning to suspect something was wrong, Kim allowed Bubu to lead her back to Rudy’s boat.
When they got there, Kim dialed 911 right away, and while Kim stayed with Bubu, paramedics transported Rudy to the hospital. Rudy was recovering thanks to Bubu, but the two were sorely missing one another after three weeks in the hospital rehab center.

“I went to Rudy’s room to hear the details of Bubu helping to save his life and I had the pleasure of sitting with him for over an hour, hearing story upon story of his life, his time in the Navy, and his special bond with Bubu,” Brandy said. “The fact that he has no close friends or family nearby led me to attempt to orchestrate a reunion between him and Bubu.”

On the day of the reunion, Rudy was so eager to see his life-saving dog that he could not contain his excitement.

Rudy was virtually jumping in his wheelchair before to her arrival, according to Brandy, “like a kid on Christmas morning.”

She initially appeared perplexed when Bubu came because they were taking her somewhere so strange. But as soon as Rudy took off his mask, she was instantly at ease when she saw her adored owner!

“Bubu immediately recognized Rudy when he took off his mask, got up in his lap, and started licking his face nonstop!” said Popp. Everyone in attendance was on the verge of tears due to Rudy and Bubu’s obvious happiness at the time.
Now that Rudy is recuperating back on his boat with Bubu, there will be plenty more opportunities for hugs and kisses in the future.

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