Dog Inspiration

Worried Mother Dog Climbs Over As Premature Pups Struggle To Live In Incubator

Every mother experiences a range of emotions after the birth of a baby, and dogs are no different. These emotions range from excitement and bonding to anxiety and protectiveness.

In this video, Kuma, a French Bulldog, expresses her heartbreaking emotions after learning that her puppies were born too soon.
Two of the three puppies that Kuma had just given birth to were preterm and underdeveloped. The puppies were then placed in an incubator to give them the best chance of surviving. Yet, Kuma didn’t really care because her anxiety was growing by the second.

Unfit to conceal her concerns, Kuma at long last chooses to peep into the hatchery. She checks on the puppies’ health by climbing over a chair and leaning over to the incubator. She doesn’t move from the spot, and it looks like she’s proud of her children for hanging on!

We are relieved to see that Kuma’s puppies made it through the trauma and were soon allowed to return home with their French Bulldog father, Sour Pork. The canine family is currently flourishing in their permanent residence. The worry and love Kuma has for her puppies is so endearing!

Check out the video below to watch Kuma refusing to take her eyes off her premature babies!

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