Dog Inspiration

Luna the Panther,who had been surrendered by his mother, grasped and raised by this kind woman and her sweet puppy

The internet occasionally produces uplifting anecdotes about the friendship between animals of two completely different species. One such touching story about an abandoned black panther, rottweiler, and human has gone popular on Instagram, and it will make you cry.

Luna, a black panther, was abandoned when she was just eight days old by her mother. She was fortunately adopted by a woman who also had a rottweiler. Luna and Venza the rottweiler have become great friends, as evidenced by a lovely video uploaded on Luna’s Instagram page. We should caution you that Luna may cause you to gush a little too much.

“They grow up too fast,” reads the caption.

Take a look:

The cute video has received a lot of likes and replies. While some praised the woman for caring for Luna, others were pleased to observe the panther and doggo pair’s sweet connection.