Dog Inspiration

7 WEIRDEST Things Cats Do

Cats can exhibit some quirky and downright strange behaviors! Here are seven of the weirdest things cats do:

1. **Chattering or Chirping at Birds** Ever notice your cat sitting by the window and making strange chattering or chirping sounds when they see birds or other small animals outside? This behavior might be due to excitement, frustration, or even an instinct to mimic prey sounds, though its exact purpose is still debated. ###

2. **Bringing You “Gifts”** Cats often bring their owners dead animals, such as mice or birds, as “gifts.” This behavior is rooted in their hunting instincts and their desire to share their spoils with their “family” (you!). Some experts believe it’s also a way for cats to show off their hunting skills.

3. **Kneading with Their Paws (Making Biscuits)** Cats often knead soft surfaces, like blankets or your lap, with their paws. This action is a throwback to kittenhood when they kneaded their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. As adults, it can signify contentment and comfort.

### 4. **Zoomies (Sudden Frenzied Running)** Out of nowhere, your cat might start sprinting through the house, racing up and down hallways or around furniture. These sudden bursts of energy, often referred to as “zoomies,” are completely normal. Cats do this to burn off excess energy or as part of their instinctive hunting and play behavior.

5. **Sitting in Tight or Unusual Spaces** Cats love squeezing into boxes, bags, sinks, and even drawers! Their preference for small spaces likely comes from a survival instinct—small, enclosed areas make them feel secure and protected from potential threats.

6. **Staring at Nothing** Sometimes cats will fixate on a spot, seemingly staring at nothing for long periods of time. While it can seem eerie, cats have keen senses and might be hearing or seeing something we can’t perceive—like tiny movements or sounds. Or, they could simply be lost in thought!

7. **Head-Butting (Bunting)** When your cat gently bumps its head against you, this is called “bunting.” It’s a way for them to mark you with their scent, signaling that you belong to them. It’s also a sign of affection, trust, and bonding. These weird behaviors make cats all the more fascinating and lovable! Each one has its own unique quirks that often leave us wondering what’s going on in their heads.