Dog Inspiration

Pangolins and Bipedal animals

Pangolins are fascinating creatures, but they are not fully bipedal. While most species of pangolins are quadrupedal, using their front legs for walking, they often exhibit bipedal behavior in certain situations:

Pangolins are primarily known for their scaly armor and their insectivorous diet, feeding primarily on ants and termites. Despite occasional bipedal movements, their primary mode of locomotion is quadrupedal.

Bipedal animals are those that typically move or stand on two legs. Here’s a list of notable bipedal animals:

1. Humans

2. Birds

Many birds are bipedal when walking or running, including:

3. Primates

Some primates can move bipedally, though it may not be their primary form of locomotion:

4. Kangaroos

5. Dinosaurs (Extinct)

6. Basilisk Lizard (“Jesus Christ Lizard”)

7. Rodents

Some rodents are known to hop or stand bipedally:

8. Other Reptiles

9. Marsupials

While the above animals exhibit bipedalism for walking, running, or specialized behaviors, most retain quadrupedal postures or other forms of locomotion for efficiency.