Family Adopts Pit Bull But Refuses To Leave Shelter Without Her Best Friend
|Within days of each other, Lucy and Sully were both taken to a shelter. They gravitated towards one another when they were alone and had no hope, and they became instant best friends. These two dogs came from shady backgrounds, but it was a walk in the park when they realized they needed each other. When it came time for one of these dogs to be rescued, they knew they had to move together. The two began fostering together, and their relationship grew stronger with each passing day.

Alaina Brinton had lost her senior dog and had wanted to start looking for a puppy after a few months. She was smitten when she came across Lucy’s picture. When Brinton called the shelter, she was informed that Lucy was being fostered with another dog and that she should meet him as well. Brinton had no intention of adopting two dogs, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to look at them.
“It was clear that Sully was looking to Lucy to point out what was and wasn’t okay,” . She could see how close these two dogs had grown and didn’t have the courage to intervene. Brinton may have chosen a dog without a companion, but she fell in love with both of them. Lucy and Sully are both best friends and do almost all together after seven years.