Park Ranger Rescues Dehydrated Dog And Carries Him To Safety
The dog’s owner was too exhausted to take his dog back down the hill, and the dog required medical attention.
It’s vital to remember that when trekking with our pets, they might easily become hot. That is why we should pay attention to the symptoms that they are becoming too hot, bring water with us, and not call them when the temperature is too high.
The weather was topping 90 degrees as Lexie Daniel and a group of pals hiked through the Delaware Col National Recreational Area’s slopes. While out and about, they spotted a man’s dog struggling with the heat. Despite the fact that the group of friends had given up their water, they were aware that the dog need immediate assistance.

The owner had an oversized jug of water with him, as Lexie told GNN, but it didn’t make a difference – the dog needed proper veterinarian care. The dog’s owner was too exhausted to bring his dog back down the slope of Capitol Hill.
The worried party was fortunate in that they were prepared to communicate with the park guards. The park rangers dispatched someone to rescue the puppy after learning where they were on Mount Tammany. Supervisory Park Ranger Kris Salapek was able to identify them on the route very quickly.

He was all set to pick up the heavy dog and carry him down the trail on his back. According to Lexie, who indicated that it had been a very rocky route down a few miles, the space was rather large. Kris was ready to carry the dog down to a stream, where he splashed him down and set him in the cool water before heaving him back over his shoulders and continuing on the walk. consistent with Lexie, the entire journey took around one hour.
“The owner hiked down before the ranger so that once he got down the mountain, he could drive straight to the vet,” her cousin, Tori Matyola, explained.

She added that the pup was looking somewhat better by the time that they were ready to get him to the car.
Lexie may be a pediatric nurse from Hackettstown, New Jersey. She was touched by the kindness of the park ranger that she posted about the experience on her Facebook. The post went viral after many people shared it and praised Kris.
In her post, Lexie wrote, “This may be a HERO. We are so lucky to possess rangers like this (who) put even animals before themselves. This ranger deserves insane recognition and a ovation for his bravery, selflessness, and strength.”

Lexie later added a comment to the original post. Kris had managed to get in touch with the dog’s owner, who was delighted to report that the dog had made a full recovery. He was clearly appreciative of Kris’s aid on the mountain.