Dog Inspiration

Orphaned Fawns Survive With Love Of Gentle German Shepherd

Orphaned Fawns Survive With Love Of Gentle German Shepherd

This Shepherd knows what to do when it comes to assisting furry pals in need. Sarge seizes every opportunity to console an orphaned animal in distress, and he excels at the task!

Cheryl, Sarge’s fur mom, volunteers her time to assist rehabilitate local creatures in need in her community. Sarge is by her side every step of the way as she welcomes them into her home to provide them with the safety and care they require before returning to the wild.

Buckwheat, Cheryl and Sarge’s first orphaned fawn, was spotted laying alone in the road by Cheryl and Sarge. Sarge seemed to know this was his life’s destiny from the minute Cheryl introduced him to his new foster fawn!
Sarge jumped at the chance to mentor Buckwheat throughout his life. Sarge was there to give Buckwheat as many cuddles as he wanted, as well as to help him build the confidence to explore on his own.

“Sarge went behind Buckwheat when we took him outside to keep him from wandering.” We’d have Sarge go find Buckwheat and bring him back home when he developed and ventured out on his own a bit more.” – Cheryl Buckwheat was eventually recovered and returned into the wild, but Sarge’s passion for caring for animals was sparked. Sarge quickly became the town’s wildlife rehabilitator after word spread about the remarkable canine who was helping to nourish wildlife.

Cheryl’s phone was constantly ringing with notices of a new fawn in the neighborhood in need of assistance before they realized it. Sarge continues to care for every orphan who enters their house with the same joy that he did with Buckwheat.
“When I enter through the door with a fawn in my arms, Sarge leaps into action. He wants to inspect them and will smell and nose about aggressively to evaluate their health. Sarge attracts the fawns, who feel safe in his company. Sarge will not abandon them.”

Cheryl has created an Instagram account showcasing Sarge’s sweet nature for all his admiring fans to follow.

Sarge cuddles fawns and calves in the images, and it’s the kind of comforting stuff that everyone needs in their lives!
We’re blown away by Sarge’s commitment to helping animals in need, and we can’t wait to follow his journey as he makes a difference in the lives of many more furry companions in the future. Sarge, keep up the fantastic work!