Dog Inspiration

This Budweiser Christmas Commercial From 1987 Will Bring Back Memories And Leave You Smiling.

There’s something truly ‘magical’ about the holiday season, and Christmas in particular. It’s a time of year when people come together to celebrate, to give thanks, and to spread joy and cheer to those around them. And what better way to get into the holiday spirit than by watching a classic holiday video ?

Budweiser, known for its timeless advertisements featuring the majestic horses, created a Christmas masterpiece in 1987. In this memorable commercial, the Clydesdales take center stage as they make their way into town, bearing a giant, perfect Christmas tree. The symbolism is clear – Budweiser wishes to deliver not just any tree, but the very best for the Christmas season.

Surely, this is one of the most memorable and iconic. It has it all. The beautiful houses with warm candlelit windows. That bridge… The couple out on a snow walk.. maybe off to by presents or visit neighbors? The Clydesdale’s pulling the spruce trees freshly cut from the forests. I get tremendous warmth from this classic.

The video we’re about to show is sure to bring a smile to your face and a warm feeling to your heart. It features the famous Budweiser Clydesdale horses, known for their majestic beauty.


Also to read: Budweiser’s clydesdale and puppy commercial is so emotional