UPS Drivers Have A Facebook and Instagram Pages About Dogs They Meet, And it’ll Make Your Day
|In 2013, UPS driver Sean McCarren created a Facebook page to honor to the furry friends that make daily routes a looot happier. And it took off sort of a pup within the park after you unleash it. Now, UPS Dogs has over 1.7M likes on Facebook and 676K followers on Instagram. Notwithstanding, when you look through its feed, it’s straightforward why the undertaking has gotten so well known. There are alpacas, deer, geese, goats, sheep, chickens and even cats too! Drivers post pictures of the lovable critters they’ve become familiar with along their schedule, with a number of them knowing their clients’ dogs for years. It’s that wholesome sort of content the web has been created for.

#2 Two perks of delivering on a Saturday this handsome guy and time and a half! — in Wellesley hills

#3 Moose is waiting for his daily treat from Chris our UPS driver…. Munnsville NY

#4 Hey, we want a treat… Olympia, washington

source upsdogs
#5 Rudy is blind as a bat, but that doesn’t stop him from following the sound of my truck until I feed him! – Saint Joseph, Michigan

#6 Franklin’s favorite delivery man — in Chico, California.

source upsdogs
#7 Sometimes “ewe” don’t know who’s coming into your truck. This is Elsa. She’s a house dog. I dare you to tell her otherwise!!! Her human told me to see if she’d like puppy treats. She did! He was impressed. West Central Minnesota

#8 “Any Bark Boxes up there?” – Jessie Paducah, KY

#9 Our delivery guy meeting our newest member of the family today. Central Illinois.

#10 Yep! Something tells me I should not exit the package car! Just saying… Chesaw, Washington…

#11 Good thing I had snacks, this pack looks like they mean business in Manor Tx.