Abandoned Old And Paralyzed Dog Meets The Sea And True Love Before Dying.
Heart, a German shepherd, appeared to be doomed to death in abandonment after devoting the best years of his life to an ungrateful family. His story, on the other hand, tells us that hope is the last thing to go, and this poor canine crossed the rainbow with love in his heart.

Fortunately, the former owners’ motives were not realized, and the guys from the animal rights organization Qua la Paampa, based in Bitonto, Bari (Italy), were willing to interfere.

Heart had been baptized by her rescuer Gianna Serena Manfredi, was paralyzed, and crawled down the street looking for food. The fluffy one would return to the old house where they had left him at night as best he could.

There was nothing they could do to get the dog back to health, but they could do all they could to keep his heart beating, so they devoted themselves to making these last days the best they could be.

Gianna made it possible for the puppy to get to know the sea by allowing him to lie down on his mattress and breathe in the purest, most restorative breeze. “And we went to the sea, which was once lovely, with the wind caressing my face, the waves crashing on the cliffs, and the sound of the sea in the midst of winter’s still silence. It used to be so soothing that I almost fell asleep, forgetting about the pain of being abandoned

Heart was completely immobilized on his hind legs when he discovered the shore, but his caretakers assisted him in getting a taste of the water. What Heart has gone through is unfathomable, but Gianna has shown that love can heal all