Running through traffic, a dog risks her life, begging for help for his injured owner.
|Animals are absolutely amazing creatures who can save our lives on many occasions.
Milagro Muoz Araya and her husband were driving near the veterinary hospital where she works when they noticed a small dog wandering in the middle of the road, trying to avoid vehicles.

“I knew she was trying to tell us something when I saw her running so nervously, so my husband and I parked the car to figure out what was wrong,” Milagro said.
In reality, the boy led them to a man who was lying on the ground with a cane by his side, clearly injured.

“My husband and I dashed over to him; the dog followed us, and as soon as he got close enough, he began licking his face nonstop. Milagro explained, “We called an ambulance.”
Even when it began to pour, the boy remained by his owner’s side. He never left him alone.

When the ambulance arrived, the wounded man was picked up and placed in the car, and the puppy, of course, jumped in as well. He crawled onto the medical bed and leaned his chest against it.
The paramedic in charge permitted it, but they were forced to withdraw him because they were not permitted to transport dogs in that vehicle.

Milagro tracked down the man’s family after he was released from the hospital and paid them a visit. Their home was a van’s box… They are two poor friends who have nothing but each other. The brave girl’s name is Chiquita.

Milagro has agreed to help and will take Chiquita to the work station to get her vaccinated and cleaned up, as she lives on the lane. They’ll also do the necessary blood checks to ensure she’s in good health.
“I believe it is important that people are aware of stories like this so that they are more aware of not just how much animals suffer, but also how healthy they are. They are always helpless, have a big heart, and sometimes need our assistance. This is something that should not be overlooked, according to Milagro.

She is absolutely right. How wonderful that on the way to Chiquita, two kind people took an interest in her problem and investigated it thoroughly in order to assist both her and her owner.