Dog Abandoned In Parking Lot, Waits In Vain For The Return Of Her Family
|Dogs are loyal animals that also happen to be our best friends. And when we abandon them, they still have faith in us and want to remain close to us as relatives.

Samantha, a lovely white puppy, was found dumped outside a Sam’s Club parking lot in Memphis, Tennessee. For 9 days, she kept howling and peeping into cars before being rescued by Mary Murphy of Arrow Dog Rescue.
The rescue, on the other hand, was far from easy. Samantha was initially wary and suspicious. She was adamant about not allowing someone to contact her. Everything she wanted was for her owner to return and take her home. So Mary simply took her pet dog along and waited patiently for Samantha to arrive.
Samantha finally felt relaxed around Mary’s pet dog after three and a half days of waiting, which gave Mary the confidence to approach Samantha without scaring her. Samantha gratefully welcomed Mary’s assistance and accompanied her around.

Samantha was later taken to the shelter by Mary. Samantha’s story was shared on social media by the volunteers. Many people quickly stepped forward to give Samantha a forever home that was both safe and loving.
Samantha was later taken to the shelter by Mary. Samantha’s story was shared on social media by the volunteers.