One Week After Family Dog Went Missing, They Found Him In A Storm Drain.
It was an issue that no animal owner wanted to deal with. Edgar has the perfect family, with lots of love and attention. However, after a particularly bad storm one evening, Edgar grew so terrified that he managed to flee his home. His family thought he wouldn’t flee on purpose, so they began seeking for their beloved pet. As the strong tornadoes persisted for the entire week, Edgar’s family began to fear the worst.

Oscar, the family’s different other pet, became mentally depressed. He was used to being with Edgar all of the time, therefore the longer Edgar was gone, the worse the pet became. After seven days, Edgar had not returned, and the family attempted to resume normalcy. Nonetheless, the household had no inkling that something unexpected would occur.

The family’s son published their story on the image-sharing site Imgur, explaining that his father was taking Oscar on a stroll to relieve stress when he heard a pale cry.

The owner followed the sound of crying to the opening of a tornado drain tube, where he discovered Edgar. When the dog realized his owner was coming to save him, he began yelping and yawping.

Edgar was rescued from the water drainage pipe with the help of emergency personnel. After a trip to the doctor, it was discovered that he had only suffered slight dehydration and sores as a result of being trapped in the watery channel for so long.

Edgar was sent home to rest after a difficult week. His family is overjoyed to have their four-legged best buddy safely returned home.

All Edgar wanted when he got home was something to eat and a long nap. He was treated to his favorite pleasure, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, as soon as he returned home!
Oh, and a good night’s sleep with his pal Oscar.

We are overjoyed that this tale ended happily, but there have been countless such instances of animals fleeing during storms. Pet experts recommend creating a “safe-space” for your animal to retreat to during frightening situations, such as severe weather. Provide a comfortable place to lie and lots of cuddles to reassure your dog that everything will be fine.