Devoted Dog Dad Takes Ill Labradoodle on a Final Mountain Hike in a Wheelbarrow to Say Goodbye
These heartwarming photos show a guy wheelbarrowing his dying pet dog up their favorite mountain for one more hike.
Carlos Fresco brought his 10-year-old Labradoodle, Monty, for a trek in Wales’ Brecon Beacons range, which the two had previously climbed together.
These touching pictures show a person taking his dying pet dog up their favorite mountain during a wheelbarrow for one last walk.

Monty, who was ten years old at the time, loved exploring hills and walking around the country with his owner, Carlos Fresco. The pair has visited the Brecon Beacons – a range in South Wales — several times over the years, according to Fresco, and have even summited the area’s three summits.

When Monty the Labrador became ill, Fresco decided to return to the Beacons with his pet and live with Brecon’s friends so that he and his beloved dog could be together and spend the last trip.

Fresco and Monty traveled together recently to Peny Fan, and the dog reached the highest point of the mountain with the help of a wheelbarrow. Many walkers stopped the couple during the trip, waved, and met Monty.

Monty gave up the ghost on summer solstice , shortly after this final stroll, following an 18-month battle with leukemia. The canine responded well to chemotherapy initially but was unable to beat the disease when it returned.

Fresco said: “Although he was weak, he enjoyed all the fuss and a spotlight received by numerous well-wishers.

“The people on the mountain are very kind and feel sorry for his deteriorating situation. In fact, strangers asked if they could participate in promoting Monty’s last trip; many strangers shed tears because we all love our four-legged little ones. “

Fresco is grateful to all or any or any those that offered support on Monty’s final hill walk and to all who treated the dog well in his ten years.

“The little guy touched a lot of people. He made everyone he touched smile and used flashes to reflect that life is not that bad sometimes,” Fresco said. “Our little friends never judge. They are always there waiting for you and comforting you when things don’t go well.

“The little fella persisted for Father’s Day and is now asleep ,” he added of Monty.