Man’s About To Return Dog To Shelter When He Reads Previous Owner’s Letter
A man had recently relocated to a new town where everyone was kind and welcoming. When he was out and about in town, people would wave to him. But there was still something missing in his life. He reasoned that having a canine companion would be beneficial to him, so he filled the vacuum. As a result, he went to a local shelter to adopt a black Lab named Reggie.
The shelter stated that the dog’s adjustment to his new surroundings could take up to two weeks, and that they had a two-week return period in case Reggie and the guy were not a suitable match. Unfortunately, he and his new adopted dog did not get along. Reggie wouldn’t listen to a thing he said.
He contacted the shelter to inform them that Reggie would be returned. The man was preparing to return Reggie to the shelter at the conclusion of the two weeks when he noticed a letter the former owner had left with the puppy. The man read each sentence slowly and carefully, filled with regret and amazement. And then he received this letter, which dramatically changed his attitude.
Read the letter below:

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