Dog Dumped Along With Her Teddy Bear Gets A New Dad Who’d Never Abandon Her
One-year-old Blue Lacy lived with her family near Dallas, Texas, until the day they decided that she was no longer needed. wrote that they left her and her teddy bear in the shelter, and she just sat there holding him tightly, not knowing what happened.

A few months before leaving her, her family even experienced the hassle of sterilizing her, implanting microchips, and all the necessary injections. Now she is alone in a noisy and terrifying shelter, which will be euthanized to make room when needed.

Fortunately, Ellie won’t bestaying there long. Jennifer Jessup, a freelance dog rescuer in New York City, found the dog through an online search. She then got in touchwith her brother in Florida, who had always wanted to adopt a bluelace dog.

Jennifer’s friend went to find Ellie to take her to the boarding school, where she could make sure that the paperwork was in order and the dog could take a bath. After spending the night there, Ellie went to a foster family until she could move to Florida. She feels much better in her real home, but she still clutches her teddy bear.

Even when the adoptive family tried to take pictures of Ellie without the teddy bear, she snuggled in fear. As he returned the toy, he grabbed a handful, as if he would never lose it again. Chapter It’s Finally Time For Ellie To See Her New Father! The TWD transportation company sent this beautiful girl from Texas to Florida. c After the long journey, the dog was tired, but Dad plans to stay with her all day to make her feel at home. After the chaotic life, it takes him some time to really adjust.

Jennifer knew deep down this was the perfect place for the dog and her teddy bear, and it really showed!

Ellie calmed down and began to relax after receiving tons of love and attention from a new owner who would never abandon her like her previous one did. Here’s to a fresh new start!