Thanks To Her Kind Rescuers, Abused Senior Finally Finds Her Forever Home After 10 Years In A Shelter
A man named Ernie Moss observed a terrifying sight in 2011. He came spotted an object shaking in a ditch while walking his dogs. He noticed it was a Pit Bull in terrible condition when he got closer. She appeared to have been thrashed. Her legs were tied together and her mouth was restrained with electrical tape. Moss struggled to release the puppy while instructing his wife to call for assistance.
The dog was rushed to the Capital Area Humane Society (CAHS). Moss had barely broken the shackles by the time they arrived, but the dog was virtually frozen to the ground. She would have died in agony if they hadn’t acted quickly.

CAHS named the bulldog Tatiana “Tater Tot” or “Taters”. Tatiana stayed in that shelter for about a year and a half, slowly recovering from her many injuries. His condition was ultimately worse than anyone thought. “It was obvious from the beginning that being restrained and freezing to death was not her only concern,” CAHS said. “It was obvious at a glance that he suffered a serious head injury. She was immediately transferred to the local veterinarian’s office for care and diagnostic testing.”

After receiving initial medical care, Tatiana was sent to the Mackenzie Animal Sanctuary, where she was greeted with love and support. In front of dogs and humans, especially men, she is still too nervous. It will take a long time for someone to regain their trust. Although Tatiana’s abuser was discovered, shelter staff agreed that he had not been adequately punished. It does not dispute accusations of cruelty to animals. He was ordered to pay a fine of $10,000 and was only sentenced to 43 days in jail instead of the 93 days ordered. For what he did to this cute dog, he deserved more severe consequences.

Tatiana‘s golden years
It is very difficult to find a home for Tatiana, because she is very scared. But over time, the staff of the shelter won her trust. She quickly became one of the favorites of the asylum. It was not until Tatiana’s later years that she was considered to be adoptable and less afraid of the world. But there is not much demand for older bulldogs who need to be the only dog. For many years, Tatiana continued her life in the asylum, but it was not enough. Then a volunteer named Michele stepped in to help. He started hosting Tatiana on weekends, but later chose to become her permanent full-time foster family.

Mackenzie volunteers can permanently breed the most tenacious rescue dogs. After Tatiana has gone through everything, she can now spend her golden years in a loving home,” wrote Mackenzie’s Animal Sanctuary. After spending 10 years in the shelter, Tatiana finally has a warm home where she can spend her last years. And it seems that she already feels at home. Thanks to her kind rescuers, she can experience hapiness and love after experiencing a heartbreaking past.

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