Cute Fire Station Puppy “Watches” Firefighters Work Out At The Gym
God provides us puppies as a valuable gift. Every day, these wonderful animals bring joy and affection to the people around them. Puppies who have been expertly trained to perform human tasks are no different. While on the training course, they maintain their natural cuteness, stealing the hearts of their humans.

Marshall, a sweet Dalmatian puppy who is the newest member of the Seville-Guilford Fire Department in Ohio, is one such case.

The sweet little dog is currently undergoing training to become a licensed therapeutic K-9 with a focus on fire prevention. During their lengthy periods on duty, Marshall lives at the station and gets along well with his coworkers.

Marshall has proven to his fireman colleagues that he is determined and responsible, despite his little size.
When his coworkers go to the gym, the dog volunteers to work as a personal trainer (observer). He observes them carefully, assuring them that no one will be slacking while he is on the job.