Instead of asking for toys for Christmas, this 8-year-old gives 600 pounds of food to shelter animals
|This year, one of Santa’s cutest helpers gave many dogs and cats a very special Christmas.
Landyn Wadsworth, 8, wished for a happy Christmas for the dogs and kittens at the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter in Paso, Washington, and to supply them with much-needed supplies.
Instead of toys, she requested money and began a fund-raising campaign to purchase dog and cat food and other supplies. She was able to earn enough money to provide a massive amount of food and supplies on Christmas Eve. The stack of things was taller than Santa, so he must have been pleased. She also brought a large Christmas sack bursting with animal supplies.
The following is taken from the Tri-Cities Shelter’s Facebook page:
“Food donations for the shelter were Landyn’s Christmas desire, and it appears that her wish was granted!! We appreciate your generosity, and I’m sure the dogs and cats do as well!!”
This is Landyn’s third year collecting gifts for the shelter. It all started after her mother Alisha visited the shelter in 2016 and was saddened to see that so many animals were without homes for Christmas, according to KEPR.

Landyn is an extraordinary young woman with a big heart. She’s already started saving money for next year.
Please tell your family and friends about her touching story. Better yet, contact your local shelter to see what you can do to help.