Bulldog Loves Sticking His Head Through Holes In Fence, So His Owners Paint Funny Costumes On It
Someone recently captured and published a video of a bulldog monitoring the street through a hole in the fence that was painted with costumes, and the dog became an Internet phenomenon. The video has received thousands of likes and shares and has gone viral.

Because the internet couldn’t get enough of the dog’s attractiveness, they decided to find out who he was. Finally, everyone discovered that the video’s cutie is named Bogart and hails from Grsten, Denmark!

Ranveig Bjrklid Levinsen, the owner of Bogart, reshared the popular video on her social media profile. She had no idea her bulldog would go viral and become a celebrity. Levinsen stated, “I’m blown away that my tiny dog has gone viral—just because he looks goofy.”

This short video turned Bogart into an online star:
“He’s a 4-year-old English Bulldog who is practically ‘homemade’—we have his mother, Winston (she doesn’t mind the male moniker),” Levinsen said of Bogart.

Bogart, according to Levinsen, is a dog who enjoys watching people pass by his house and the street through the fence’s holes. As a result, she resolved to do something entertaining in the hopes of making everyone happy.

“We live near a walking trail with a lot of people passing by every day, and the dogs are just interested,” the owner remarked. “We built the holes to keep them from skipping the fence,” she explained, “but even though it was funny to watch them from the other side, I just thought it would be more [funnier] if we painted something.”

Levinsen came up with the concept, but her daughter did the actual painting. They were blown away by the outcome and the positive response they received after having the fence painted.

Bogart and his mother are now recognized by casual people passing by their house since his video went viral. Levinsen remarked, “It’s been a consistent response.” “I believe people like it because it’s authentic.” “Plus, the dogs are so wacky,” she added.

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