Golden Retriever Comes Home With Baby Koala Saving Its Life
|Kerry McKinnon, the owner of a golden retriever named Asha, lives in Australia. Kerry describes Asha as a normal lovable golden. Life is never boring while she’s around, as seen by this strange event.

Kerry’s husband recently summoned her to look outdoors and see what Asha was up to. Kerry couldn’t believe what she saw when she looked. Asha was sitting outside, with a cute baby koala on her back.

“It was early in the morning, and my husband called for me to come over and take a look at something.”
According to Kerry, the golden seemed absolutely delighted to have the koala baby snuggled on her back and was not at all concerned.
“She kept returning her gaze to the koala, but she wasn’t trying to entice him away from her in any way.” Kerry told, “She was pleased to let him snuggle into her.”

Asha had clearly designated herself as the baby’s defender. Kerry believes the tiny koala escaped from its mother’s pouch. Because koala newborns can’t survive for long on their own, Asha’s rescue saved the small critter from becoming a meal for a fox or other predator or starvation.

The family took the sweet baby koala to a vet and it is now living with capable wildlife rescuers, who will care for it until it is old enough to be released back into the wild.

In the face of Australia’s terrible loss, it’s a minor miracle that this newborn might one day help repopulate the land that has been devastated by fires. Millions of animals have perished, and fires have scorched over 12.35 million acres in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

Please share this adorable story with your family and friends.