UPS Driver Adopts Friendly Pit Bull On Her Route After Dog’s Owner Dies
After his owner died, a UPS worker in California adopted a puppy who was living along her route. Katie Newhouser works as a UPS carrier in Rancho Cucamonga, California, and every time she drove up to the apartment where Leo the Pit bull lived, he would greet her and leap into her truck.
“This is Leo…. he would usually start barking as I pulled into the apartment complex……,” Katie posted on Facebook after posting a couple photos of Leo and her with UPS Dogs.
When I stopped, he would always climb into my truck…. His owner died, and he now lives with me.”
Katie met Leo after she returned from vacation last year and found out that Leo’s mother had died. She addressed the son, who is a Marine and thus unable to accept Leo, and volunteered to foster him. He consented, and they got along so well when she brought him home to meet her other dogs that she decided to make the arrangement permanent.
“It was certainly confusing for him at first,” Katie told the Pup Journal, “but he has adapted well.” “His brother Moose and he are inseparable.” Bailey, his sister, took a little to warm up, but they now play together… When Leo came into the house, the whole atmosphere shifted.”
She claims that when she initially brought Leo home, he would whine and be sad, but that he has since grown into part of the family and is content with them.
“He has so much personality, you’d swear he’s human!” Katie said. “You will never meet a sweeter, more affectionate dog than him.”
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