Dying Pit Bull Had Lost All Hope When Kids Found Him In The Grass Just In Time
A bunch of kids spotted a hurt dog on the side of the road and dialed 911, sparing the critter’s life! When Russ Harper, a humane police officer with Justice Rescue, arrived to pick up the baby Pit Bull, he discovered it cold and life.less. He paid him less when he picked him up.
Harper assumed the dog was dead until he noticed a flicker of life.

Harper took Remi, his dog, to Keystone Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Havertown, Pennsylvania. The young puppy was covered in bite marks after being used as a bait dog by dog fighters.

The Pit Bull is fighting a severe infection and is showing signs of getting better, but is not out of the woods yet.

The vet clinic keeps an eye on Remi throughout the clock. “He’s still battling,” Justice Rescue writes. “However, I believe we can see that his mommy nurses are taking excellent care of this global hero.”

I hope Remi makes it! And a big “thumbs up” to the children who called 911 to rescue this poor dog!