During his route, a UPS driver comes across a severely underweight great dane.

UPS deliveryman Gavin Crowsley once discovered a Great Dane named Phoenix on the point of death while on his route. Phoenix had no food or water and was on a short chain. He was aware that the dog would soon perish from the weather if he didn’t starve to death. He immediately called his employer, who then dialed the Humane Society.

Phoenix was revealed to be merely skin and bones. He was only 70 pounds.

He looked entirely different when reunited with the driver who had saved him, though.

He was now up to 160 pounds! And very thankful…

Here’s Phoenix with his new owner, as happy as can be!

Phoenix increased from 70 pounds to 160 pounds in just 7 months! He didn’t even resemble the previous dog. Vets did find that he was fully deaf, had lost some of his ear to frostbite, and was blind in one ear. However, he is currently enjoying life in a warm permanent home!

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