Family Rescue Lost Dog While Out Bushwalking In Australia
A family out for a walk in the Australian wilderness discovered a dog lost for nearly a month and returned her to her grateful owner. The family was on their way to Mt. Glorious National Park in Queensland, Australia, when they came across an animal along a creek.
“My husband and I brought my father to an isolated section of Mt Glorious National Park to see some rock pools. We observed a disturbance in one of the deep pools ahead as we traveled along the creek bank, writes Imgurian dangerm0use. “Thinking it was a roo or a platypus, we approached gently, only to be greeted by this despondent little face. It was the saddest sight I’d ever seen.”

“We approached cautiously, not knowing whether this was a domesticated or wild dog. Either way, we couldn’t leave it there in the freezing water. It was completely exhausted from its attempts to struggle out of the deep section it had fallen into, and there’s no way it would’ve survived the night.”

They approached cautiously and finally pulled the dog out of the mud with a rope around the dog’s shoulder. “This dog is not aggressive at all. In fact, he staggered away from us very shyly and climbed up the river bank to the dense lantana [a vine-like bush]by the pool.”

Since the dog was neutered, they assumed it was someone’s pet and that it might have been abandoned or lost. They knew they couldn’t keep her there. “She’s in a completely desolate bush, with multi-hectare national park cliffs and ravines on one side, and a short, rocky, unstoppable river bank on the other, stretching out onto a busy highway.” miles from where they were, and couldn’t get out of the ravine. The dog was not so eager to join them, so they had to chase her through the thick bushes. “When we went up to her hiding place, we saw her making a little bomb shelter on the bank. She even dug a tunnel in the Lantana Tower, down to the puddle.”

They sat with her a while to see how she would respond. “She was very dejected, and obviously still exhausted,” writes dangerm0use. “She was still apprehensive, but not aggressive, so after a while I took a chance and gave her a scratch on the head… and she rewarded me with a lick on the hand.”
They noticed the dog was quite plump and nicknamed her “Miss Piggy” while they came up with a plan to get her out of the forest.

They decided to make a temporary safety belt with the climbing rope they had brought, because they realized that Miss Piggy was exhausted and it was difficult to climb the big rock. The coast they had to climb was very steep, with vines everywhere, covered with loose rocks. “Everyone of us caught the vine, and Miss Piggy made almost no progress.”

During the mountain, my Giggi manipulated his harness and escaped. “She will take a break on her way out of Lantana and try to prevent her from escaping, says Panmerm0. ” The only way I can stop her is before her, her head was heading towards her head before she opened soil. When the escape plan was hampered, it was hampered, she was drawn to the descent and resumed the condition of her as stationary thing.

“Understandably, Miss Piggy was scared and exhausted, so we sat for a while, trying to give her some time to calm down, pat and comfort her. Sweetheart came over, leaned her head on my lap, and expressed her right We are patiently grateful. So far, I don’t want to get too familiar with her, but she agreed with me and gave her a reassuring hug.”

It became clear that they had to find a way to carry her up the bank. “My husband had a brainwave, remembering that we had a large canvas bag in our car. We figured that if we could get her into the bag, we could MacGyver together some apparatus to transport her out.” Luckily, she fit in the bag!

“The boys gave her a lift to see if they’d be able to carry her up. On their estimation, Miss Piggy tipped the scales at about 40 kg [88 lbs].”

“On flat ground, this may not be a problem, but we don’t want to risk dropping her or drag her off the shore.”

They found a sturdy branch and passed it through the handle so that they could lift Miss Piggy over the lantana and vine.

After a 30 minute climb through the bush and much effort and exertion they made it to the road.

“We carried Miss Piggy along the side of the road up the where we’d parked.”

“Safely in the back of the car and down the windy mountain road, Miss Piggy was all smiles.”

“On the way home, he seemed to relax a lot. When we opened the back of the car, we were greeted by a different dog: the little tail runs a mile a minute.”

After returning home, they provided dinner for Miss Piggy and posted a picture of her on the Facebook page to learn about the lost pets in the area. After 30 minutes, they received a message! The man lives about 9 miles (15 kilometers) from the creek where she was found. He explained that his dog disappeared from his garden on June 30, 2016.

“We were stoked until he referred to the dog as ‘Bob’, and our hearts sank thinking he had lost a male dog. However, he confirmed that ‘Elly-Bobby’ (named after Ricky Bobby) was indeed his little girl, with various physical characteristics to prove it. Bobby’s dad had mounted massive Facebook and poster campaigns to find her, and had been searching for hours every evening since she went missing, never giving up hope that he’d find her.”

dangerm0use said they didn’t know what Elly Bobby was doing during the weeks she disappeared, because she was in surprisingly good condition. They also don’t know how it ended in such an isolated place in the bush, with no “signs of injury, only basic signs of exposure.” Maybe they picked it up and threw it away. Or maybe you found a temporary shelter but didn’t stay. All they know is that they are “happy to help her in the right place at the right time.” Share Bobby’s amazing rescue with your family and friends!