Man Moves Into Animal Shelter To Help Lonely Overlooked Dog Get Adopted
Queen’s life has not been easy thus far. However, she now has her own personal guardian angel who keeps her company and helps her cope with her loneliness. Queen’s life story is unknown, but we do know that she was transported to the Great Plains SPCA Shelter in Kansas after being discovered living behind a trash. She had surgery soon after to correct a knee issue that resembled a torn ACL.
No one could uncover any proof that she had ever lived with a family throughout her rehabilitation. However, it was shortly realized that she adores people and is generous with her kisses. This lovely, loving puppy is around three years old and enjoys playing. Despite her wonderful nature and extreme cuteness, she has been passed over for adoption for more than 400 days.
When Queen’s loneliness and shelter life became too much for her, Scott Poore, her personal patron saint, moved into the shelter to provide her company until she could be adopted.
When Poore observed Queen’s condition was deteriorating, he felt he had to do something to cheer her up and assist her in finding her permanent home.

Poore moved into the animal sanctuary and shared a modest but comfortable space with Queen. He has a plant and books in the room, and he sleeps next to Queen on a baby mattress on the floor.
He intends to remain till she is adopted.
Poore told CNN affiliate KCTV, “I’ve got my laptop, my desk, my lamp, and I brought a plant in.” He intends to stay for the long term and will not take time off work throughout his stay at the shelter. According to the company’s website, he supervises Mission Driven LLC, a clothing business that raises awareness about shelter pets and the necessity of adoption.
“Every time I came, she got so excited, but the last couple months she won’t even get out of bed…She keeps getting looked over and that’s the thing that’s driving me crazy,” he said.
Queen, unfortunately, is not alone in her search for a home. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, around 6.5 million animals enter American animal shelters each year, but only 3.2 million are adopted.
Please help Queen find a home by sharing this story. An anonymous benefactor pledged to match donations to the Great Plains SPCA up to $150,000 throughout the month of September.